Cyber Security

There are two companies in this world, those that know they have been hacked and those that do not.
The growth of cybercrime means businesses of all sizes need to rethink their approach to the security of their ICT infrastructure and information. The growth of cyber crime is largely attributed to its faceless nature (one cannot see the hackers), it is borderless (there are no geographic limitation), growing use of technology in profit, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and governments.
AMBAND’s goal is to help clients to protect their ICT Assets and information from hackers. This we achieve through the following services
- Vulnerability Assessments
- Implement Security Architecture and operations
- Penetration Testing
- Disaster recovery
- Securing ICT assets
- ICT Department Training
- Employee Training
- Compliance Assessments
Identifying critical ICT assets and information in an organization and check to determine if the assets have any weaknesses which hackers can exploit in order to access, modify, copy or delete data or information.
At the end of the vulnerability exercise, we will provide a report that would point out all weaknesses and provide recommendations on how the weaknesses and gaps can be dealt with in order to reduce the risk of exposure to hackers.
A penetration test is a simulated attack where we assume an attacker’s account to try and compromise and organizations ICT infrastructure.
We test the security measures that have been put in place to protect ICT Assets. The test is supposed to measure how well the defense measures that have been setup stand up to a simulated hacker attack and if the hacking activity can be detected as it is happening.
At the end of the penetration testing, a report is provided to indicate whether the attack was successful and what vulnerabilities were leveraged to compromise the systems and how to mitigate the vulnerabilities.
Default installations of ICT devices such as servers, routers, switches come with significant vulnerabilities. We help in hardening of network devices, servers and software to reduce areas of exposure that hackers can exploit.
We use industry and recommended best practices and standards from various frameworks ISO27001, PCI DSS, NIST
We train members of the ICT department on the current trends and technologies to protect the organization security Assets and Information. Cyber security is a continuous process and there are daily tasks that must carried out to ensure ICT assets are well protected. We acquaint the ICT department team with the measures that have been put in place and how to perform them on a daily basis.
We improve on their knowledge on areas we identify gaps as well as provide them with continuous updates of discovered vulnerabilities and attacks and how to mitigate them.
We assist businesses to setup security measures that will be used to protect ICT assets and information. We work together with the client to design, configure and maintain security measures that will be used to protect ICT assets within the business.
At the end of the vulnerability exercise, we will provide a report that would point out all weaknesses and provide recommendations on how the weaknesses and gaps can be dealt with in order to reduce the risk of exposure to hackers.
We help organizations to prepare for adverse effects of cyber-attacks by putting in place policies and procedures that would help the organization recover and continue doing business after a cyber-attack. We also help organizations draw-up their IT disaster recovery plan to aid them recover from attacks, incidences or disasters.
We sensitize employees in an organization on how to use information technology in a responsible manner so at to protect themselves from being victims of cyber-attacks as well as the organization’s ICT infrastructure and Data.
It is important to note that human beings are the weakest link in the ICT ecosystem. To enhance security, it is important to strengthen the weakest point, humans (employees) by educating them on how to avoid making security lapses and stay protected as they use the organization’s ICT infrastructure.
A compliance assessment is really a gap assessment. In compliance assessment we identify gaps between a client’s existing control environment and what is required or expected. It is not a risk assessment, and identified gaps may or may not correlate to risk exposure. Basically compliance assessment is a gap analysis of security measures and controls implemented by an organization.